27 July 2009~ is the most terrible day of this year.my mood is very down. The reason is unknown. But, I think mostly is cheated by someone. I don't blame him because I think he also needs that money for some purpose. Actually , I cannot say he is cheating, the price is the market price, but what I expected to be much cheaper than that price. Maybe, this is a good time for me to learn a lesson : DON'T ASK PEOPLE TO DO JOB FOR U BEFORE ASKING THEM THE RETURNS. This is very important because maybe friendship will break if u don't handle it properly. Be honest, I do really disappoint when he told me the price, I had to get a shock but at the end , I also need to pay him that price. 2nd lesson I learn, don't talk about money among your friend n relative because money is the most dangerous weapon in the world. ALL people in this world rushing, waring , killing n etc to get money. I believe, MONEY is not everything, but without money, anything also cannot be done. The world is realistic, we need to face it, so I never blame him, I just blame myself. 28 JULY 2009~ today morning, I received my mobile phone bill. SHIT!!!!! It reached about 200. I had sent 1588 sms at last month which averagely I need to send 53 sms per day. haiz....... My saving in the bank is going to finish. DIE!!!!!!!!! I hate to eat sand liao. How am I going to survive with RM300 for 6 months? My business plan still don't achieve the target I want although I had spent at least 5k on it liao. WHO CAN help me ?? GOD !!!!!! Why u so cruel to me , why u always let me face the problem alone ??
真想不到,我第一次用华文写布洛格尽然是写伤心的事。嗨。。最近,我的身边发生了很多不愉快的事。嗨。。有谁能告诉我。到底什么是爱情??是谁创造了爱情的??上帝还是魔鬼??还是愚蠢的人类??爱情是一种能伤害人类的病毒吗??或者是能让人快乐的糖果??又或者是能伤人的武器?? 天!!救救我! 我被这跟病毒感染到神志不清,吃不下,坐不安,睡不觉,站不立,想不到。。。的地步。我尽然一直想着一个不爱我的女生。上天,为什么你要这样玩我,为什么??月佬,为什么你要让我爱上她??爱神,为什么你要安排这个缘份??为什么??? 放弃,最后,我选择了放弃,我选择了放弃这个等待的机会。我放弃不是因为我不爱她。我还一直爱着她,但是我已经累了。如果在这样下去,我想我肯定又会再进医院。我的病又在发作了。 XX,我知道你是害怕拒解我。我知道你从来都不爱过我。我知道你不想伤害我。不用尽,现在我明白你的意思了。你不用开口,是我自己放弃的。XX,你真的很漂亮。你就好像从天堂下凡的仙女;而我,嗨。。就好像从地狱出来的魔鬼,一个不聪明,丑陋,笨蛋,肥胖的人。每当我跟你讲话的时候,我的信心就会不见。 信心不是我没有,只是我比你们经历过很多不愉快的事。15岁,当你们还在快乐读者中三的时候,我就要去动手术。嗨。。现在,差不多每年都要动手术。我患上一种奇怪得病,医生告诉我。世界只有两个人有这样的病,嗨。。这个病早就把我的信心吃掉了。 XX,请你给我一些时间,请我一些时间把握的信心找回来。我现在很努力的改变我的生活。希望有一天我能自信的跟你聊天。XX,对不起,我真的希望你会明白我的苦处。